
When is the best time to book? Check our eligibility calculator



Recommended from 6/7 weeks


Recommended from 14 weeks


Recommended from 12 weeks


Why booking with us?

Preggoland offers the best elective ultrasounds & also clinical blood testing services. The elective services are non-medical ultrasounds where you will see your baby in detail, listen to the heartbeat, and enjoy images & videos of your cute little one moving inside the womb. We recommend for an early pregnancy with 6, 7 to 11 weeks a “2d ultrasound” that will let you see the gestational sac, and if the little baby bean is visible you will be able to listen to the baby’s heartbeat, sometimes is clear enough to add 3d so drink a lot of water and give it a try upgrading the Basic to 3d 4d. For pregnancies 12 weeks and up, we highly recommend any “3d ultrasound” package for the most wonderful pictures, now booking any 3d package you will get the “baby 4d ultrasound” included!! Yes!! the 4d ultrasound is the baby moving in real-time, you will enjoy watching the baby’s moves and stretching, make sure you add the videos to your session! Add ons? Yes, again!! you can customize your ultrasound session by adding extras to your package.

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