Frequently Asked Questions


Here are the most frequently asked questions

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Can you confirm my pregnancy?

Yes, you can confirm your pregnancy yourself during the ultrasound session by listening to the baby’s heartbeat and getting photos. Therefore we are not providing a medical report or formal letter. Keep in mind your gestational age to book, pregnancies are visible at 4-5 weeks with transvaginal ultrasounds and 6-7 with abdominal scans which are the ones that we provide.

How soon can I book?

As soon as 6 or 7 weeks. Please understand that with abdominal ultrasounds we can see the pregnancy around 6+ weeks. Sometimes within 5 weeks, we can see the sac but this is not always possible or guaranteed.

When should I book the gender ultrasound?

Gestational age is a factor here. In less than 14 weeks, only the Gender DNA Blood Test is available. The gender DNA blood test is over 99% results guaranteed and it is simple, it is available as soon as 6 weeks. Now women 14 or more weeks into pregnancy can choose between a blood test or ultrasound. For the gender ultrasound, the baby’s position & the umbilical in between the legs can make the session difficult, sometimes re-scans are needed. Every mommy is different so we do offer both choices.

Best time to schedule an Ultrasound?

The answer is any time because is always possible to get 3D/4D/ HD Live images. If you are looking for a gender determination/confirmation you could have your scan done at 14. For full body views 12-18 weeks into pregnancy. Therefore to see the baby's face the best time is between 27 and 34 weeks.  After 35 weeks it is still possible but more difficult.

What is an elective ultrasound?

An elective ultrasound is a non-medical ultrasound that allows parents to see and capture images of their unborn baby.


  • Bonding: Parents can bond with their baby before birth. 

  • Keepsakes: Parents can create memories of their pregnancy with images and videos of their baby. 

  • Learning: Parents can learn more about the development of their baby. 

How it's different from medical ultrasounds

  • Purpose

    Medical ultrasounds check for fetal development and abnormalities, while elective ultrasounds are for personal enjoyment. 

  • Technology

    Elective sessions often use 3D 4D ultrasound technology, which creates more detailed images than standard 2D ultrasound. 

When it's performed 

  • Usually performed after 14 weeks of pregnancy.

  • Some facilities may offer them as early as 8 weeks.


  • Elective ultrasounds are generally safe.

  • Medical insurance usually doesn't cover elective ultrasounds.

What is an HD LIVE Ultrasound?

HDLive ultrasound technology uses a unique and moveable light source that not only provides both 3D and 4D imaging, but lights up the baby, making it possible for soon-to-be parents to see the facial expressions of their unborn baby, and even watch it yawn. "HDlive shows the face and the skin tone of the skin," says Dr. Bernard Benoit, the head of the ultrasound department in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco." We can change the position of the light and clearly see the lips, nose, and eyelid." (Published by Alexandra Sifferlin a writer and producer for TIME Healthland.)

How much does it cost?

We offer a variety of packages to choose from. We have 6 different ultrasound packages that will fit almost any budget, prices go from $50.00 to $169.00. For detailed information please call us at 813-442-6410 or visit our booking page.

Who provides your maternity photography?

Daysi Rojas Portraits is ready for all our mommies, she provides photo sessions. Usually, our mommies book the mini packages but end up purchasing much more. Daysi always offers an online gallery with 25-35 images for you to choose from. If you need more images or specialty products you can contact her at 813-295-9352 or visit her website